
University installs a modern fire alarm system

The university won the competition of applications for funding from the Fund for the Development of Professional and Higher Education Institutions, and at the end of 2021 a modern fire alarm system was installed in the dorms of the Polytechnic and the College of Oil and Gas.

University installs a modern fire alarm system

The administration of Poltava Polytechnic is focused on creating comfortable and safe conditions for all participants in the educational process. Among the important priorities in the strategy of development of the material and technical base of Poltava Polytechnic is ensuring fire safety in all university campuses and structural subdivisions.

“Thanks to our win in the competition of applications for funding from the Fund for the Development of Professional and Higher Education Institutions, the university received funding of about one million hryvnias, which is aimed at installing fire alarms in the dormitory. Under the guidance of the administration, work was organized to install automatic fire alarm systems with capabilities for fire alarm and further evacuation management in the dorm №3,” – said the head of the property complex, head of the campus Andrii Postavnyi.

Automatic fire alarm, notifications of fire and evacuation control systems are designed as a coherent set of technical devices and means capable of timely detection of potentially dangerous fire factors (recording of excessive heat, as well as smoke, flames, etc.) to sound the alarm about the fire to those who are in the room, and directly to the person on duty.

In 2021, the College of Oil and Gas also participated in the competition of applications for funding from the Fund for the Development of Professional and Higher Education Institutions, and according to the results of the competition received funding of over 300 thousand hryvnias, which are aimed at partial implementation of the project to install a fire alarm system in the dormitory №2. Currently, the fire alarm is already installed.

“It is difficult to overestimate the importance of equipping facilities for study and living with such complexes, since in case of emergency, it will primarily save the lives and health of students and staff, as well as significantly increase the chances of securing state property and assets of the university from destruction by fire,” – says the first vice-rector – Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Economic Development Olena Filonych.

During 2019-2020 in the dorms of Poltava Polytechnic all evacuation exits were repaired and equipped with locks with spare keys, and representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine conduct annual fire safety and emergency prevention classes as well as trainings within facilities with students.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”