
University students take part in the summer language project on learning the German language “Sprachakademie”

At the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, the Sprachakademie summer language platform for studying German was operating, where university students and members of the public organization “Poltava Society of Germans ‘Wiedergeburt’” daily improved their German language skills under the guidance of a Goethe-Institute-certified teacher Nataliia Bilyk.

University students take part in the summer language project on learning the German language “Sprachakademie”

For several years, on the basis of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, the “Sprachakademie” summer language platform for studying German has been held, initiated by the public organization “Poltava Society of Germans ‘Wiedergeburt’”, with the support of the Information and Education Center “BIZ-Ukraine”, an initiative of the Council of Germans of Ukraine, financial support of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, Construction and Regional Development of Germany through the Charitable Foundation “Development Society”. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Tetiana Kushnirova acted as the coordinator of the language project.

A student of the 102-FF academic group Daria Lazorenko, students of the 101-FF academic group Daria Katrenko and Kateryna Pedynich, a student of the 402-HF academic group Maryna Mykhailova of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of the Poltava Polytechnic took part in the Summer Language Platform.

For two weeks, the course participants had the opportunity to study the German language every day from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. under the guidance of Nataliia Viktorivna Bilyk, a certified teacher from the Goethe-Institut, who conducted classes at a high scientific and methodological level using the latest teaching methods.

“Participation in such projects is extremely useful for students who want to learn a language thoroughly, as language immersion helps to systematize already acquired knowledge, replenish vocabulary, learn more about the history and culture of the country whose language is being studied,” – said the project coordinator, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Tetiana Kushnirova.

Educational sessions were held in an interesting game format, and the study of a certain linguistic topic was accompanied by appropriate tasks. For example, while studying the topic “Essen”, the project participants tried to prepare delicacies with their own hands, with the help of thought-provoking game solutions, students studied the order of words in a sentence, replenished their vocabulary with the help of engaging practices. The listeners had a fun and useful time: they got to know the culture and history of German-speaking countries, simultaneously improving their own language skills.

The participants of the project praised the content components of the course, in particular a first-year student of the specialty 035 “Philology” Kateryna Pedynich notes: “It was very comfortable to work in the cosy locations of the Poltava Polytechnic Studhab. The classes were very interesting and full of various activities. Ms. Nataliia explained incomprehensible topics in a very accessible way. After attending this course, I gained new knowledge, improved my understanding of the language “by ear” and received a lot of positive emotions.”

Kateryna’s friend, Daria Katrenko, adds: “The training was really gripping and informative. We worked all the time, but the three hours of study flew by very quickly, like a moment. Sometimes it was very difficult, but the teacher explained every incomprehensible moment in a very accessible way.” Bachelor’s graduate Maryna Mykhailova noted that informal communication in German during the project helped her overcome the language barrier.

The teachers and students of the Poltava Polytechnic express hope that in the new 2023-2024 academic year such cooperation will continue, and young people will be able to deepen their knowledge of the German language in various language projects.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”