Material and technical and methodical support of the department of Germanic Philology and Translation

Teachers of the Department have the opportunity to teach students in classrooms equipped with modern audio, video and computer equipment. The Department is constantly searching for new forms of educational work aimed at transforming the educational process into fruitful cooperation between the Department's teachers and students, postgraduates and colleagues from other departments of the University.

One of the most important signs of the university's innovation in training specialists in foreign philology and translation is the ability to teach students in multimedia language laboratories and on high-tech equipment of the simultaneous translation laboratory.

The IDL Multimedia Language Laboratory has the following facilities

(room 325 C - Ukrainian American Center)

In particular, the IDL Multimedia Language Lab (room 325C - Ukrainian American Center) is equipped with special equipment, including professional software and hardware for learning foreign languages and mastering interpreting skills, as well as highly functional and comfortable workplaces.

The IDL software product is specially designed for high-quality reproduction of audio signals, which are fundamental for teaching foreign languages, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.

An audio concentrator is installed at the teacher's workstation, and audio units with connected headsets (headphones with a microphone) are installed at the students' workstations. For control and audio communication, a dedicated audio network is used, as well as a teacher's console or computer with specialized software installed.

IDL Audio significantly improves the quality of the audio signal during direct oral communication. This is important when conducting dictations, listening, simulating simultaneous translation, as well as in all other cases where high quality and intelligibility of spoken language and the ability to listen to yourself with headphones are required.

IDL's intuitive interface allows teachers to easily master the technical capabilities of the laboratory and use them effectively in teaching foreign languages and translation practice.

Features of the lingua franca system "Dialog Nibelung"

(room 326C - Ukrainian-Polish Center)

A networked computer classroom with standard hardware, equipped with a suitable headset (headphones and microphones), and most importantly, special software - the Dialog Nibelung complex - also became a real linguistic laboratory. It was the right choice of the software package that made it possible to develop the content of the course, solve certain learning tasks in the course of developing students' foreign language communicative competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing, and manage their independent work. From now on, the role of the teacher as the main actor in the educational process is also manifested in the fact that he or she can make corrections and evaluate the student's work very quickly, right during the student's performance of the task, which cannot be achieved by other teaching tools.

With the help of the Dialog Nibelung lingua franca system, teachers organize simultaneous group work, while the duration of active speech of students increases many times; they can selectively listen to students' speech in class, record their answers for further analysis.

This software system allows you to organize the work of students in different modes: individual, pair, group work. It is possible to differentiate tasks for students/pairs/groups depending on the level of language proficiency.

Teachers and students can interact in the following modes:

  • listening (the teacher covertly listens to the speech of students / pairs / groups);
  • dialog (the teacher communicates with the selected student/pair/group);
  • recording (the teacher records the speech of the selected student/pair/group and the audio is automatically saved in their personal folder);
  • chat (chat session for the selected group);
  • written message from the teacher to the student/pair/group and vice versa;
  • sending and collecting homework as a set of files.

The electronic journal allows teachers to keep records of attendance and register grades for each type of work, which optimizes the control process.

Simultaneous Interpretation Laboratory

The Simultaneous Interpretation Laboratory, which is high-tech and the only one in Poltava region, is used to provide foreign language support for meetings with foreign partners of the university, international conferences, forums, trainings, and other scientific and technical events. Thanks to the laboratory's capabilities, translation students have a unique opportunity to practice their bilateral interpreting skills from the first year of study, which, in turn, contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists for the field of intercultural communication in the context of rapid globalization and Ukraine's integration into the world space.

Examples of work in the simultaneous interpreting laboratory are highlighted in social media and on the university's website:
