Educational Program “Ecology”

Educational Program “Ecology”

Field of Study

10 Natural Science


101 Ecology

Educational Program


Educational degree

Bachelor's degree

NMT subjects

  • Ukrainian language (0.3), (first)
  • Mathematics (0.35), (second)
  • History of Ukraine (0.35), (third)
  • Foreign language (0.3), or biology (0.4), or physics (0.35), or chemistry (0.4), or Ukrainian literature (0.3), or geography (0.4), (fourth)

Tuition Fee

  • Full-time: 7,500 UAH.
  • Distance learning: 7 000 UAH.
  • Part-time: - UAH.
* The cost is indicated for a semester of study under a contract in the 2023/2024 academic year

When applying for state-funded places, the applicant provides a motivation letter and the results of the National Multisubject Test 2023, applicants can also use the results of the NMT 2022 or ZNO certificates of 2020 and 2021.

Brief description of the program

This program is based on modern approaches, methods and organizational and technical solutions in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

The main focus of the program is on the ability to select and make organizational and technical decisions in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

The main learning outcomes are: the ability to use the management principles on which the environmental safety system is based and apply knowledge of monitoring and regulation of anthropogenic pressure on the environment; solve problems in the field of environmental protection; use skills to assess unforeseen environmental problems and make a deliberate choice of ways to solve them; ability to apply software tools, GIS technologies for information support of environmental research; ability to predict the impact of technological changes on the environment.

Accordingly, the program focuses on professional components: physical, chemical and biological methods of environmental protection, technoecology and environmental management technologies, special areas of ecology, environmental safety and regulation of anthropogenic load on the environment, organizational and legal aspects of environmental activities.

Advantages of the program

Opportunities for study and internships abroad

Professional practice, which is organized with the support of the German Federal Environment Fund "Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt";

Internship within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

Main disciplines of professional training

General ecology and biology; Biological methods of environmental protection; Conservation; Environmental monitoring; Environmental legislation and environmental law; Technoecology; Normalization of anthropogenic load on the environment; Environmental safety; Methods of waste management and treatment; Processes and devices for atmospheric protection; Ventilation emissions and industrial ventilation.

Ventilation emissions and industrial ventilation; Rational use of water resources; Water supply and drainage; Sustainable land use technologies; Environmental aspects of oil and gas; Landscape ecology and architecture; Environmental management; Environmental management in audit; Environmental chemistry and sanitary-chemical analysis; GIS technologies in ecology.

Positions that graduates can hold

Nature management organizer; nature protection inspector; state inspector for technogenic and environmental supervision; inspector for the protection of the nature reserve fund; inspector for the use of water resources; environmental technician; state inspector; research trainee.

Partner institutions

Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Poltava Oblast State Administration; Regional Water Resources Office in Poltava Oblast; Housing and Communal Services Department of Poltava Oblast State Administration; Poltava Oblast Forestry and Hunting Department; Scientific and Technical Center of Poltava Branch of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine; Public Environmental Council of Poltava Oblast.

Additional information

Page of the Department of Applied Ecology and Environmental Management:

Page of the Department of Applied Ecology and Environmental Management on Facebook:

Contact information

For further information contact the Admissions Office:

 +38 (0532) 56-16-04

 +38 (099) 057-65-17

 +38 (0532) 56-19-48

 +38 (0532) 56-18-97

Or in messengers: