Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism

The Department, headed by Iryna Chychkalo-Kondratska, provides activity aimed at high-quality training of specialists in the field of international economic relations and tourism to meet the needs of the national economy in the context of globalization and Ukraine's integration into the world economic space.

History of the department. To ensure the training of bachelors and masters in the specialties "International Economic Relations" and "Tourism" in 2019, in the process of reorganization, the Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism was created, which was headed by Doctor of Economics, Prof. Chychkalo-Kondratska I.B.

The activity of the department is aimed at high-quality training of specialists in the field of international economic relations and tourism to meet the needs of the national economy in the conditions of globalization and integration of Ukraine into the world economic space.

The graduation of Masters Degree in specialty of «International Economics»

Bachelor's degrees: 292 "International economic relations", 242 "Tourism"

Master’s degree: 292 "International economic relations"

Research and teaching staff conduct research within the scientific areas of the Department, in particular of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects, namely: development of the global economy and international economic relations, management of tourism entities in the context of globalization changes, international innovation and investment activities, European integration processes, foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises, etc.

The results of research are implemented in production, design practice, regulatory documents and are used in the preparation of articles in professional publications, textbooks and manuals, monographs, lectures, dissertations and qualification works.

The department's international activities are aimed at publishing articles and monographs together with foreign scientists, intensifying grant work, holding international conferences, training foreign students, advanced training of academic staff abroad, implementing joint projects with foreign partners in the scientific and educational sphere, etc.