Department of Architecture of Building and Design

Head of the Department of Building Architecture and Design


Nikolaienko Volodymyr

Doctor of Science (Architecture), professor



The Department of Architecture of Buildings and Design is a part of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" and trains the following specialists:

  • the first (bachelor's) level of higher education – bachelor's degree in program subject area / speciality 191 "Archtecture and town planning" (educational program "Archtecture and town planning").

The term of study is 4 years.

  • second (master's) level of higher education – master's degree in program subject area / speciality 191 "Archtecture and town planning" (educational program  "Architecture of buildings and structures").

The term of study is 1.5 years after obtaining a bachelor's degree.

  • second (master's) level of higher education – master's degree in program subject area / speciality 191 "Archtecture and town planning" (educational program "Design of architectural environment").

The term of study is 1.5 years after obtaining a bachelor's degree.

  • third (educational and scientific) level of higher education – Doctor of philosophy in speciality 191 "Archtecture and town planning" (educational and scientific program "Archtecture and town planning").

The term of study is 4 years after obtaining the master's degree

The department is located in rooms 307-P (building P, 3rd floor) and 215-P (building P, 2nd floor).




The educational process is carried out by 8 members of the academic staff, including:  1 Doctor of Sciences (Architecture), Professor; 7 PhDs (Architecture), Associate Professors; 1 PhD (Architecture). Postgraduate students are supervised by Doctor of Science (Architecture), Professor V. Nikolaienko and Doctor of Science (Architecture), Associate Professor L. Shevchenko. Among the academic staff of the department there are 3 members of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine, 3 certified architects and 2 members of the staff who have a B2 level certificate in English.

The concept of the department's activity provides for the development of scientific and educational directions aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the speciality 191 “Archtecture and town planning”. The teaching staff of the department trains Ukrainian and international students and works with gifted students.

In order to ensure the high quality of the educational process, the staff of the department constantly raises their professional and scientific level, enriches creative potential, exchanges scientific achievements with representatives of leading architectural schools of Ukraine and from abroad (Poland, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, and the USA). The results of scientific research of the department's academic staff are highlighted in domestic and foreign publications, conference proceedings, training manuals, and monographs.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department and students taught by them take part in national and international scientific and practical events, creative activities, contests of qualification works, and blitz-competitions. Under the guidance of experienced staff, students of the department and school students win All-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works and contests organized by the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.