Department of Germanic Philology and Translation

The Department of Germanic Philology and Translation was established in 2019 as part of the implementation of the perspective program of innovative development of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (now National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic") and the strategic plan of the Faculty of Humanities' development in the context of diversification of the university's specialties in philology.

The main task of the Department is to train highly qualified specialists in the specialty 035 Philology, specialization 035.041 "Germanic Languages and Literatures (Translation), First - English" in the context of the constant growth of interest of applicants in obtaining the qualification of a philologist, in particular a translator.

The Department trains specialists in Germanic philology, translators of English and German under the educational and professional program "Sectoral Translation: English, German" at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education for their further work in the field of intercultural communication. English and German as the first and second foreign languages, respectively, for students of specialty 035 Philology and foreign language training disciplines for students of specialty of the Educational and Research Institute of Oil and Gas.

Main advantages of the curriculum:

  • translation studies and industry orientation, which is a response to the global challenges and requirements in the field of training specialists in foreign philology, as well as the region's needs for translation services in the context of the development of the oil and gas industry, construction industry, IT technologies; this specificity distinguishes National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" in providing the stated educational service from other HEIs of the region that also train philologists in this specialization;
  • strong educational, methodological and material and technical base, which is realized through the use of the latest teaching methods and techniques in the process of teaching foreign languages and translation, the use of specialized classrooms, computer laboratories and a simultaneous translation system;
  • high international and national academic mobility, which is ensured by active cooperation with leading foreign universities, higher education institutions of Ukraine, influential international organizations, and powerful industry enterprises;
  • the opportunity to engage in practical translation activities from the first year of study, to practice bilateral interpreting skills on high-tech equipment of the simultaneous interpretation laboratory and multimedia language laboratories; to learn a second foreign language (German) from the first semester of the first year of study, to choose a third foreign language;
  • staffing of the program - highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff who are qualified to teach the profile and direction of the disciplines taught, have the necessary teaching experience and practical experience;
  • involvement of native speakers of foreign languages (language assistants in English and German, in particular, from the American Peace Corps, the German Goethe Institute, etc.), professionals with experience in research/management/innovation and work in their specialism

Graduates of the department can work as translators, translator reviewers, translator guides, and translation editors in public and private institutions, representative offices of international organizations and companies, translation agencies and bureaus, publishing houses and editorial offices, information and advertising agencies, the press, radio and television, and industry enterprises.

The department's academic staff is constantly searching for new methods, ways and techniques of teaching translation and foreign languages, in particular the Germanic language area, and helps students to realize the cultural values and ethical norms of behavior inherent in native speakers of a particular language. The Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy, as part of the Center for Foreign Languages, has language and cultural centers: Ukrainian-American, Ukrainian-British, Ukrainian-German, Ukrainian-Polish, and Ukrainian-Belgian.

Peace Corps Volunteer Linda Katz (sixth from left) with university students after a seminar at the Ukrainian American Center