Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems

The Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University as a graduate department within the newly created Faculty of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Systems in 1998. The Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R.G. Savenko.

Further development of the department led to its division into the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems and the Department of Economic Cybernetics. The Head of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Korkh O.I.

The conceptual basis for the creation and activities of the department is determined by the need to develop scientific and educational areas focused on the training of highly qualified specialists in information technology, artificial intelligence systems, computer systems analytics, mathematical software of computers and systems.

The department has developed a model for training a specialist, which defines the requirements for a graduate according to the following criteria:

professional competence (a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical training, the ability to carry out all types of professional activities defined by the educational standard in the speciality);

understanding of trends and main directions of development of computer technologies and information systems

The concept of the department's activity involves solving the main tasks: training of specialists in information technology.

122 Computer sciences (bachelor and master degrees)

123 Computer engineering (bachelor and master degrees)

125 Cyber security and data protection (bachelor degree)


Research work of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems

The main areas of scientific activity of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems are information technologies and systems for monitoring education systems; intelligent data analysis; computer mathematics.


The main scientific developments in the field of information technologies and systems for monitoring education systems: Automated information system "Rating" for monitoring the activities of secondary schools in Ukraine.

The head of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.L. Liakhov.


Major scientific developments in the area of intelligent data analysis:

The task of increasing the investment attractiveness of the national agricultural sector and the oil and gas industry by reducing the financial costs of logistics processes and further developing a new level of 5PL-level logistics outsourcing, which is in line with the EU concept of developing global IT technologies in the field of logistics, is relevant.

Intelligent online information system "Analysis of statistical data on the production activities of national agricultural enterprises"

Performer: Skakalina O.V.

Main page of the site of the on-line system "Risk management of investment projects based on fuzzy neural networks"

Automated information system "Production facilities of AH"

Performer: Skakalina O.V.

AIS "Operational management of AH warehouse infrastructure"

Performer: Skakalina O.V.


The main scientific developments in the field of computer mathematics:

Head - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.L. Lyakhov.

The Analitic 2010 computer algebra system is designed to solve theoretical and applied problems by numerical and analytical methods. Analitic is developed on the basis of the idea of a language object as a complex - a set of expressions connected by some dependency relation on the set of names of objects of the problem being solved. All procedures of the input language are defined over such a complex. The developed system of computer algebra Analitic 2010 is intended for solving theoretical and applied problems by numerical and analytical methods.

Copyright registration certificate No. 44020 was obtained for SKA ANALYTIC 2010.

Automated information system "Leader"


Applied research at the department is carried out in the following areas:

development of information models, architecture and software components of automated information systems for various purposes.

Each lecturer works on scientific research in the field of information technology and systems.

The results of scientific research are used in the preparation of scientific articles for publication in professional journals, reports at scientific and practical conferences, as well as in the supervision of students' diploma works and in the process of writing dissertations.

The department has a research laboratory for application software problems.

An agreement has been signed with the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) to establish direct links between creative teams and cooperation in the field of computer science, computer and software engineering.

International activities of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems

The international activity of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems is carried out in accordance with the University Development Strategy in the following main areas: scientific cooperation with foreign organizations and universities, participation in international conferences, cooperation with international granting organizations, publication of scientific papers in foreign journals, preparation of methodological support and teaching of disciplines for foreign students.

The staff of the department is a regular participant in international scientific and practical conferences and symposia. As part of international cooperation, teachers improve their qualification level during internships, gaining experience and disseminating information about the department's activities in other countries.

On April 3, 2019, Rector of PoltNTU, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko and Director of The École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées (Paris, France) Dr. Joel Courtois signed a cooperation agreement that provides for the exchange of students, cooperation in educational, scientific and cultural spheres. IT students have the opportunity to study computer technology, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence systems. Deepen their knowledge of the French language and culture.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering Department of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Alina Yanko won a full grant to participate in the international conference "Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2019", which was held on November 13-14 in the capital of Poland. National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", a partner of Polish universities and international educational organisations, supported the initiative and facilitated the participation of a delegation of female academic staff and students of the university.

Students of the Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Mechanotronics Aliona Shatrava and Anastasiia Kitsenko took part in the international conference for women scientists.

On May, 24, 2021, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding within the USAID Project "Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine".  Under the terms of the cooperation, the lecturers of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems will receive trainings and advanced training from the American lecturers of Purdue University and Florida International University. Professional development and training for teachers will begin in June 2021 and will last 6 weeks. This will allow teachers to teach their students using new methods and approaches in September.

On July, 4, 2022, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" became the only university from Poltava region to join the international programme "Twinning Initiative", announced by the Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson, and to get a British twin. The ceremonial signing of the agreements between the Ukrainian and British universities took place on 28 June during the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative conference. As part of the signed agreement, the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems has launched cooperation with its British counterpart from London Metropolitan University as part of the large-scale international project "Twinning Initiative"!

Deepening the scientific cooperation between Poltava Polytechnic and London Metropolitan University, the lecturers of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems, Ph, PhD in Engineering K.Y. Vergal and masters of Computer Science, Computer Engineering join the online lectures of SCDM Research Seminars Series of London Metropolitan University (Prof. Vassil Vassilev) and discuss the issues of modern trends in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

Lecturers of the Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Alina Yanko, Olena Haitan, Olena Dvirna and 4th year student Elkamel Kautar took part in the fifth international conference "Perspectives of Women in Tech Summit", the biggest event in Europe for women in engineering and IT. As a result of her fruitful international work, Alina Yanko became a laureate of the Shesnnovation Academy 2023-2024 start-up programme.

Associate Professor of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Kseniia Vergal successfully completed the Erasmus+ internship within the Erasmus International Week at the Romanian partner university Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad.

On 31 May 2023, in cooperation with the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global), students of the Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems had a unique opportunity to improve their cyber hygiene skills by taking an online course "Basic Safety Rules in the Digital Environment".

The project of the Department of Computer Technologies and Information Systems of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" "European Experience of Information Security and Information Protection Systems in the Modern Conditions of Large-Scale Cyberattacks" (Project Leader: PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kseniia Vergal) won the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Modules competition.


Contact information of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems


24, Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Poltava, 36011.

Building L, 1st floor, room. 104Л



Telephone of the Admissions Committee: (0532) 56-16-04, +38(099)057-65-17