Volunteer movement

Volunteer activity.

At the beginning of the aggressor's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a volunteer headquarters was opened on the campus.

We started actively working in this direction already in March 2022 and are doing everything possible to bring victory closer to now.

What happened during this time?

⁃ receiving cargo humanitarian help from German charitable organizations"Mdantsane";

⁃transfer of humanitarian aid to places of active hostilities: Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Okhtyrka, Trostyanets, village Kirikivka (Sumy region) and others;

⁃transfer of personal hygiene products, long-term storage products, food products, warm clothes and blankets for our colleagues from Chernihiv Polytechnic;

⁃consecration of several hundred belts to be handed over to the military;

⁃charity visits to the hospital with servicemen who returned home, among them those evacuated from "Azovstal";

⁃at the 2023 graduation ceremony, the graduates handed over the Mavik-3 drone to the military;

⁃at the dedication of the freshman-2023, the volunteer staff handed over another Mavik-3 drone;

⁃on a permanent basis, the volunteer staff of the Poltava Polytechnic is engaged in weaving nets and actively transfers them to the military on the front lines;

⁃a car was transferred to the front line thanks to the help of the rector of the university Volodymyr Onyshchenko, of course we could not send it empty, so the car was loaded with humanitarian aid and a bourzhujika, which was made by the head of the trade union committee of students and graduate students, Oleksandr Drobotya;

⁃the action "Trench candle - part of the light and warmth of our hearts for the defenders of Ukraine", which was initiated by students and teachers of the Department of Finance, Banking Business and Taxation of the Poltava Polytechnic together with the head of the department Liana Oleksandrivna Ptashchenko, who was joined by representatives of self-government.

So, the volunteer direction is one of the priorities in modern realities for students, so we are developing and working to bring victory closer!

Cultural and mass direction

Student self-government both organizes and participates in a large number of events, most of them are charity concerts and art events aimed at raising funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The first of them took place on June 1, 2022 and had the same name "Charity concert in support of the Armed Forces", the money from which was used to purchase thermal imagers. On September 29, 2022, the charity art event "Learn in Ukraine" was held to encourage students to develop educational and scientific activities in the Motherland.

For the first time, star guests PROBASS & HARDI were invited to the stage of the Poltava Polytechnic with a charity student party "Good evening, we are from Ukraine!"

Next was a concert at the Poltava Professional College of Oil and Gas "National University named after Yury Kondratyuk", with the collected funds another Mavic-3 drone was purchased.

One of the brightest for the students of the polytechnic was the legendary concert of the rock band "Bez Obmezhen", which took place on March 3, 2023, that's when everyone joined the donations at the ZSU.

In the spring, a charity concert "Generation of the Brave" was organized for all students of Poltava on the territory of our university, the funds from which went to purchase ammunition for the military assault brigade "ODIN".

It is impossible not to remember the legendary concert! Star guests: Dzidzo, Oleksandr Ponomaryev and Yuriy Gorbunov for the first time on the stage of educational institutions! A concert that charged all of Poltava with its energy.

Chronology of volunteer activities

The Polytechnic transferred almost half a thousand square meters of mesh to the Armed Forces

March 1, 2022 -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/politekhnika-peredala-mayzhe-pivtisyachi-kvadratnikh-metriv-sitki-dlya-zsu.html

On March 1, 2022, the University carries out a charitable mission -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/universitet-vikonue-gumanitarnu-misiyu.html

March 19, 2022 - creation of a volunteer staff -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavska-politekhnika-stvoryue-volonterskiy-shtab.html

March 24, 2022 - The rector handed over warm things for the displaced to the volunteer staffhttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/rektor-peredav-volonterskomu-shtabu-tepli-rechi-dlya-pereselentsiv.html

March 25, 2022 - The Volunteer Headquarters of the Polytechnic received humanitarian aid from Germanyhttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/volonterskiy-shtab-politekhniki-otrimav-gumanitarnu-dopomogu-z-nimechchini.html

April 12, 2022 - Poltava actors presented an interactive performance for temporarily displaced familieshttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavski-aktori-pokazali-interaktivnu-vistavu-dlya-timchasovo-peremishchenikh-rodin.html

April 20, 2022 - "Good afternoon, we are from Ukraine": a charity concert by artists of the Poltava Regional Philharmonic took place at the polytechnichttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/dobrogo-dnya-mi-z-ukraini-u-politekhnitsi-vidbuvsya-blagodiyniy-kontsert.html

April 21, 2022 - Poltava Polytechnic provided humanitarian aid to Chernihiv Polytechnichttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavska-politekhnika-nadala-gumanitarnu-dopomogu-chernigivskiy-politekhnitsi.html

April 21, 2022 - Poltava Polytechnic transferred one day's earnings to the needs of the Armed Forces -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavska-politekhnika-pererakhuvala-odnodenniy-zarobitok-na-potrebi-zsu.html

April 23, 2022 - Poltava Polytechnic University handed over several hundred consecrated belts to defendershttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavska-politekhnika-peredala-kilka-soten-osvyachenikh-pasok-zakhisnikam.html

May 2, 2022 - Poltava Academic Symphony Orchestra presented its charity performance -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavskiy-akademichniy-simfonichniy-orkestr-podaruvav-sviy-blagodiyniy-vistup.html

May 5, 2022 - Benefactors donated blankets for dormitories where displaced people livehttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/likari-bez-kordoniv-peredali-kovdri-dlya-gurtozhitkiv-de-meshkayut-pereselentsi.html

May 6, 2022 - Poltava Academic Regional Puppet Theater presented a fairy tale to immigrant children -https://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavskiy-akademichniy-oblasniy-teatr-lyalok-podaruvav-kazku-dityam-pereselentsyam.html

June 1, 2022 - Poltava Polytechnic students collected funds for a thermal imager for the Armed Forces in the eveninghttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/studenti-poltavskoi-politekhniki-za-vechir-zibrali-koshti-na-teplovizor-dlya-zsu.html

June 7, 2022 - Poltava Polytechnic received a Starlink terminalhttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/poltavska-politekhnika-otrimala-terminal-starlink.html

July 7, 2022 - Polytechnic team "Not Today" won the regional eSports tournament RectorsCyberCup'22https://nupp.edu.ua/news/komanda-politekhniki-not-today-peremogla-na-oblasnomu-turniri-z-kibersportu-rectorscybercup22.html

Polytechnic volunteers organized a charity concert in support of the Armed Forces of Ukrainehttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/volonteri-politekhniki-vlashtuvali-blagodiyniy-kontsert-na-pidtrimku-zsu.html

Freshman Day 2022https://nupp.edu.ua/news/den-pershokursnika-politekhnika-priynyala-na-navchannya-naybilshu-v-oblasti-kilkist-studentiv.html

Defenders noted Polytech:https://nupp.edu.ua/news/zakhisniki-vidznachili-kolektiv-politekhniki-za-vnesok-u-peremogu-ukraini.html

ProBASS & Hardi played at a charity student party in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:https://nupp.edu.ua/news/probass-hardi-zigrali-na-blagodiyniy-studentskiy-vechirtsi-na-pidtrimku-zsu.html

Volunteers of the Poltava Polytechnic University presented their experience at the "We win together" forumhttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/volonteri-poltavskoi-politekhniki-predstavili-sviy-dosvid-na-forumi-peremagaemo-razom.html

Polytechnic volunteers congratulated the defenders on the holiday and visited the wounded in the hospitalhttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/volonteri-politekhniki-privitali-zakhisnikiv-zi-svyatom-i-vidvidali-poranenikh-u-gospitali.html

In the polytechnic, the best cadets of the military department were recognized and a thank-you concert was presented to the defendershttps://nupp.edu.ua/news/vidznachili-krashchikh-kursantiv-viyskovoi-kafedri-i-podaruvali-zakhisnikam-kontsert-podyaku.html

The rector of the university awarded the volunteers of the Poltava Polytechnic
